Our School

West Jefferson Middle School is the middle school serving the Conifer articulation area. The school opened as a junior high school (grades 7 through 9) on March 21, 1974 and transitioned to a middle school (grades 6 through 8) in 1996. Three elementary schools feed into our school: Elk Creek, Marshdale, and West Jefferson. (Students from Parmalee may choose to come to West Jeff.) Our students go on to Conifer High School.


Students launching tissue-paper hot air balloons from a snowy field.

All students take core classes: English/Language Arts, Math, Science, and Social Studies.

Each student also has scheduled class periods where a variety of electives are available to explore art, digital design, music (band, orchestra, choir, and music), physical education, pre-engineering, robotics, Spanish, theater, video game design, and more. (Specific course offerings vary by year.) Certain electives may be required based on a student's grade level – for example, all sixth graders take Computer Applications once during that year – or academic needs.

Please see our Curriculum pages for more information on major curriculum units for each grade level, descriptions of our elective courses, math placement, STEAM and problem-based learning, and textbooks. We have separate pages about our Gifted and Talented programming and PBL and STEAM.


Our teachers work as grade-level and subject area (core subjects, special education, and electives) teams to plan and work with student data.

Our staff works in other committees to support the school:

Advise/Social and Emotional Learning Committee works to provide structure and curriculum for the Advise program and implement and support teaching social-emotional skills through Advise classes;

Collaborative Committee works with administration to plan and address strategies to improve student learning, policies and school-level plans;

Professional Learning Committee works with administration to plan professional learning programming delivered at staff meetings and on staff development days;

School Accountability Committee works with community members to make recommendations about school improvement plans and spending priorities, and their implementation and evaluation;

Social/Staff Support Committee coordinates recognition of major life events for staff and outside of school activities to foster well-being and offer staff interaction in a social setting; and

Technology Committee works with administration and district technology staff to plan technology purchases for the school.

Concerns and Issues

We ask families that have a particular concern about one or more of their student's classes to first contact the appropriate teacher. Teachers are expected to respond within one business day. If families are still seeking resolution following the teacher contact, the next step is to contact the assistant principal. Please refer to our Grading Policy for additional guidance.

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