May 16 Safety Incident Followup

May 16 Safety Incident Followup
Posted on 05/16/2024
Safety Situation Followup

The following information was sent to families via SchoolMessenger on Thursday, May 16 with the subject "Follow Up On Security Incident Today 5.16.24". The content has been formatted for the web.

May 16, 2024

Dear West Jefferson Middle School Staff and Families,

We want to follow up with you about this morning's incident regarding the Safe2Tell report this morning sharing a safety concern about someone bringing a bomb to school. The Jeffco Public Schools Department of School Safety & Security and the Jefferson County Sheriff's Office conducted a thorough search of the building this morning, finding no suspicious items.

We are continuing to partner with local law enforcement to investigate the situation and determine where the threat came from. The Department of School Safety, along with our School Resource Officer, Deputy Jenkinson, are working together to support our school. There will be additional members of their team here tomorrow as a precaution to ensure the safety of our students and staff.

As students arrived today they were told to line up on the field as they normally would during a secondary evacuation drill so we could take attendance and account for all students. Staff was asked to keep students organized in this way until we were given a guarantee that it was safe for students to enter into the building. Our students and staff followed this protocol exactly as they should. Once in the building, students were asked to only bring essential items for learning into classrooms and backpacks were left in lockers or other secure rooms.

We have heard and strongly agree with the importance of clear and timely communication so families can make informed decisions about the safety of their children. Our sense of urgency around this is paramount as our students' safety is the most important thing.

Jeffco Public Schools' safety and communication procedures require a collective effort to be vetted through the district's Department of School Safety, the Jefferson County Sheriff's Office, and the district's communication team prior to being sent out. These protocols are in place to ensure accurate and clear communication to all stakeholders involved.

We share the urgency for quick communication, feel the stress that delays cause, and we must ensure our messaging is accurate.

We understand the concern brought on by these types of reports, and we want to reassure you that it is safe for your student to be at school. We look forward to being back with our students tomorrow. Thank you for continuing to partner with us. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our main office at 303-982-3056.


Kim Halingstad

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